Houses all domain-related classes as a single object under classes/domain.
static setup_domain(variantopt) → {classes.domain.DomainExports}
Sets up the domain namespace with a given variant. This allows completely unlinked domains to be created, bypassing linking, caching and other internal mechanics. This called with 'global' as the default and exported. Unless otherwise implemented, domains or other objects of this namespace that belong to different variants will have limited knowledge of each other's existence.
Name Type Attributes Default Description variant
* <optional>
'global' The variant of the NE_Domain namespace. The default value of 'global' and a falsy value have the same effect. Returns:
classes.domain.DomainExports - Objects belonging to this domain namespace.
Type Definitions
Domain exports for a given variant.
Name Type Description NE_Domain
classes.domain.NE_Domain The base classes.domain.NE_Domain
classes.domain.NE_Domain__Discord The classes.domain.NE_Domain__Discord
function A function to retrieve a classes.domain.DomainExports
classes.common.AliasedName.AliasedNameStore The AliasedNameStore cache for domains of this variant.